La Terrasse
« Fans des films de Scorsese et de Tarantino et adeptes du renouveau circassien, les membres de la compagnie The Rat Pack allient l’originalité d’une écriture inventive à une éblouissante maîtrise des arts du cirque. »
The mafia films of the 1930s have inspired The Rat Pack company to create their first very own stage show. Six acrobats bring a Scorsese-like world to life. A mafia boss, his wife, his henchman, a pin-up girl, a barman and an outlaw amaze the audience with spectacular stunts and extreme body control. They are accompanied by the music of well-known French electro masters Chinese Man. Breathtaking!
The Rat Pack Company created a Martin Scorsese-inspired universe set in a secret bar - a speakeasy. To the music of French electro masters Chinese Man, six artists perform breath-taking stunts and mesmerize the audience with their amazing body control.
Ana Morales transforms the mourning of her father's death into a personal, virtuoso choreography that powerfully expresses the things left unsaid.
A singer and a clown discover a sleeping dancer and manage to wake her up. From tango to alegria and tanguillo, the young audience discovers the many rhythms of Spanish and Latin American dance.
In cahoots with British performer Lewys Holt, the choreographer Simone Mousset revisits her 2017 piece BAL, an epic show about nation branding and the creation of national mythologies.